About the Author

Yvonne Hughes is 42 years old and, apart from popping a few pills, has finished her breast cancer treatment. She was a model patient, and did absolutely everything she was told to do. With a smile on her face too, when possible. (It wasn’t always.)
Before diagnosis, Yvonne was taking time out from a busy career to look after her little boy, Riley. Prior to this, Yvonne worked as the Corporate Responsibility Manager for Unilever Australasia.
Since diagnosis, Yvonne has written articles about breast cancer for news.com.au, Sunday Life – the Sydney Morning Herald’s Sunday magazine – and Mamamia, one of Australia’s most popular women’s websites.
Yvonne has a Bachelor of Creative Arts from the University of Wollongong, a Masters in Public Communications and Public Relations from the University of Westminster (UK) and, most recently, a Masters in Social Development (Community Development) from the University of New South Wales.
Yvonne’s book – One Piece of Advice – is the book that she would have liked to have had upon diagnosis.